Friday, August 7, 2009

Dealing With Slime

It is so diffucult to hold onto slime. not only is it icky and disgusting, its well.... slimy!
same is with people who do not come out and be straight forward. They never do come out and say anything, everything is understated or they are just too happy to refute or change their story so you can't hold them to anything. Slippery in life, in action, in thoughts.... everything.

The only one left with the icky feeling are the ones who are around such people. Slime begets slime atleast slimy people get more slimey people. They tend to feed of each other's slime! Some sort of parasitic relationship only if it wasn't so symbiotic.


  1. Cool !! Welcome to the blogger club :) I like the post.I have been subjected to a lot of slime myself and I detest it :) Keep writing

  2. Thanks mugdha,

    I have to thank you to get me back to writing :)
